First kiss of the day

When my kids were little, baby and toddler stages, I kissed them frequently. One morning, picking up Alex, I said, “First kiss of the day!” as I was getting my first soft snuggle from his baby cheek. I knew it was only the first of many kisses I would give during the day, and it became a frequent phrase in my thought. Sometimes I even voiced it out loud. Mostly, it was a way of marking a brief moment, recognizing that for that day, I had the ability to scoop up my little ones and hold them close.

But things change. I rarely get to kiss them now. Distance makes that impossible. They’re all grown up, and the time of easy, daily interaction has passed.

Not long ago, I walked by the sofa where Rob was sitting and impulsively bent down and kissed him. I thought, “First kiss of the day!” Of course, I don’t have the constant interaction with him that I had with my little ones all those years ago. Most days, we are busy with work, errands, to dos. Most days we don’t have, or take, the time to just sit with each other. But I thought, in that flash of insight, why don’t I mark the moments with him? The big ones are easy to see, and we do mark those. But the little ones, the day after day ones, those slip by so easily. Mostly because we see each other as two busy adults. We know children are growing fast, and one day won’t be within easy reach for a kiss or hug throughout the day. But adults? I think even in good marriages, we just take it for granted, too often.

So my new thing…I’m going to mark the little moments more often. I’m going to try to really see the person drinking coffee with me, running errands with me. I’m going to practice saying, once again, “First kiss of the day!”

10 thoughts on “First kiss of the day

    • Thank you! I am trying to be more aware of the little things with my husband, and other adults in my life. Don’t know why I find it easy to mark moments with children, and don’t recognize the same need for grown ups! But as I say, I’m attempting to address that! ~ Sheila


  1. Yes, in so many ways! And so often it is the small and regular action that makes the difference! I see this repeated often, and yet I still find myself learning this lesson in various ways! Slow learner, I guess! ~ Sheila


    • Thank you! Some days the implication is true…more kisses through the day. I’m sorry to say it is frequently a function of how crazy our days are. Some days we’re like the proverbial ships, passing in the night. I’m trying to be more aware of the moments we have together, and put them to better use! ~ Sheila


    • Yes, I agree. I just realize that in some ways, I was much more affectionate with my children…maybe it’s a function of how we view people…adults don’t get picked up and hugged/kissed throughout the day like little ones do. That’s just the way things are. But I want to be more aware of the chances we have to share a look, a kiss, a touch. All about awareness! ~ Sheila


  2. YAY! What a wonderful post! And a great idea!
    Hubby and I are near each other almost all day, every day. But we DO need to make note of the little moments!
    Thanks for the reminder….


    • I’m not sure which is harder…giving time to your spouse when you are apart and living in different worlds all day, or really noticing that person when you are with them all day, every day. In our case, we are not physically near each other during our work day, and evenings can be consumed with what I call second shift stuff…chores, my own to do list, his to do list…but I think it can be challenging to be always together too, of course in a completely different way. But I would bet you don’t have too much difficulty with this one! You seem to be doing it right! ~ Sheila


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