Little #2

So this week I get to be the proud mom in my blog posts: yesterday with a birthday wish to my son, and today, an announcement from my daughter:

Baby #2 is joining the family. Riley will be a big sister in January, and Stephanie and Matt will be in the thick of parenting with a not-quite-three year old and a newborn. The lucky guys! Lots of work, but wonderful, meaningful…the best stuff of life.

Watching this unfold is fun, almost as much as when I was in a leading role. It’s a lot more restful, from this vantage point! I can’t wait until Riley understands her new position. She’s already quite the little firstborn. I recognize the type you know, since I am one, I’m married to one, and I gave birth to one. Firstborns are a little bossy. We just can’t help ourselves. We like to make sure things are done. And Stephanie and Matt have exactly the same mix in family order that Rob and I had. Two firstborns married, had their firstborn, and now will add a baby to the mix.

I always say that any family dysfunction we had was the result of our mix of three first-borns and a baby, in birth order. Three of us always wanted to direct, and the youngest one marched to his own drummer. Well, maybe that was his best option, with three of us leading the way all the time.

Anyway, exciting, happy news! I got it as a mother’s day present, but it wasn’t my secret to share, until today. Today the little ultrasound image is up on Stephanie’s Facebook page. I’m a believer in letting the one with the big news share the big news. So now that’s done, and I can share it too.

Can’t wait for January and a new little to cuddle!

12 thoughts on “Little #2

    • Yes, I’m learning that it really is a joy. That probably sounds strange, but it was hard for me to be excited to be a grandparent. It just seems so…old! Not how I feel at all! Of course this had nothing to do with Riley, and everything to do with me being in denial that I am old enough for this role! But I’m enjoying it. How could I not? Sounds like you haven’t had that pleasure yet, but I’m sure you’ll be amazing when it is your turn to be a grand! ~ Sheila


  1. Congratulations on GRANDbaby #2 on the way! I saw that picture on Stephanie’s facebook yesterday and knew that you would be filled with thankfulness for God’s abundant blessings in your life, via your children! Have read Francine River’s books Her Mother’s Dream and Her Daughter’s Hope? This two-book inspiratonal fiction series is a thought-provoking saga spanning four generations telling how life happenings influence (often subconsciously) the way mothers parent their daughters. These two books certainly caused me to pause and consider how I want to be both careful and deliberate in my influence over my own grown girls. I pray for God’s grace and wisdom daily in regards to the joy of parenting!


    • Thank you! We’re excited and looking forward to this new little joy!
      I’m not familiar with these books, but I’ll check them out. Thanks for the suggestion.
      Interesting to parent young adults! I don’t often play the “mom” card these days, but when I do, I let them know I’m going there so they know it is intentional. But most of the time I feel like we get to be friends as much as parent/child. ~ Sheila


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